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tears, aansoo, rona, gudaaz, taras, reham of Rasulullah Mohammad in urdu

Tears of Mohammad (pbuh)

If we look at the complete life of Rasulullah (saw), especially His Mecca and Madina times, we realize that He (saw) had a touching heart. During toughest times and problematic moments of life, He (saw) remained calm, composed, and patient. But natural moments of grief were always represented via His (saw) tears, whether in loneliness at nights or praying to Allah (swt) in front of His companions. But these tears never transformed into any kind of negativity which is a miracle of His (saw) life. Here is a book in urdu about the moments of Mohammad's (pbuh) life when He (saw) wept. May Allah (swt) grant us the same kind and sensitive heart. Ameen! Click any of the following links to read the whole book in urdu.

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Urdu Book

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